I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJ was saying bad things about a person because they have red hair....any ideas why?
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
same reason people think blondes are stupid
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
There is the persistent myth that people with red hair have hot tempers. Its wrong. I have reddish hair. I also think girls with red hair are very sexy.
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
I just heard alot of things about people with red hair being really bitchy. but i have nothing against them.
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
I like people with red hair that's probably because i see more than just their hair colour.
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
just like the blond thing
oh and p.s., they are probably just jealous
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
Why do people have problems with people who are different? Why do people have problems with white skin, black skin, red skin, olive skin? Why do people have problems with people who are fat or skinny? Why do people have problems with people who are rich or who are poor? It is, unfortunately, the nature of the beast. "No one can possibly be better than me." It's a sickness and everyone in this world has it.
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
people not particular dislike specificly about "red hair". i found out people cristize on every race. sometime they said how stupid "bronze hair" sometime they said about "black people" their nature is to push down someone and pull themself up. if you had to care all the time what people say, you will be too tired. personally, i think red hair people are sexy.
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
they r whack
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
There is a hypothesis that redheads are caused by the breeding of Neandertals with Anatomically Modern Humans (AMA) around 35,000 years ago. This is called the Ginger Gene Hypothesis. In a nutshell it attempts to explain how red hair and fair skin (ginger gene) was introduced, and why it is limited to only Europeans). If the figures are correct, the ginger gene is a mutation that is approximately 200,000 years old. If it arrived with the first humans out of Africa then one would expect to find this gene spread throughout other ethnic groups. AMA's were not in Europe until a much later date than the gene is purported to have mutated. Therefore if the hypothesis holds true, than redheads are the result of the breeding of AMA's with Neandertals. So, it may be true that redheads are descendants of caveman. By the way, I am a carrier of the ginger gene too.
Why do some people dislike people with red hair?
Some people will find any sort of excuse to dislike someone else. Socioeconomic level, skin color, nationality, native language, religious affiliation. You name it, they'll find a reason to hate it. By the way I once had a little girl in my classroom with beautiful red hair.
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