Thursday, June 17, 2010

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

How soon would it be safe for me to dye my hair again? I don't want to loose my hair or dry it out.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

Normally every month you would add a touch up color to the roots for 15 minutes and the last five minutes mix it with alittle water and run it throughout the rest of your hair to even it out.Because you are going to apply chemical again to allready processed hair I would suggest a 20 minute deep heat conditioner.(preferably at salon) under a dryer.One month is the recommended waiting time between proceedures. Don't be surprised if it takes a couple of applications to lose the red ecspecially if going lighter.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

if color has not been used and if the hair is still healthey have the colorist bleach it to a level 8 and use a nice violet based toner or whatever your desired look is. weave in some highlights and color in betweena nice light brown with a violet base or blue base. Report It

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

Every month is healthy. If it dries out, get an intense conditioner.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

Every 2-3 Months.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

You will be fine if you fix it now. As long as you dont make a habit out of dying it every month you r good to go.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

you can dye it in about 6 months

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

You should be fine to dye your hair again. I THINK its like 72 hours before you should dye your hair again.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

well dyes are never really safe but its just like a relaxer you would have to wait 4-6 weeks to do it again.i would advise you to really moisturize you hair so it would not became damage or dry. If you want to you can rinse your hair a color that you want a rinse is not as bad as a dye the best rinse to use is adore

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

you need to go to a good salon and have them do corrected color on you hair, because if you do it yourself and dont fill the hair you could come out with Grey, green or maybe a blue color that you would not want. So please go to a good salon and they could let you know if they could do it or not.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

If you don't dye frequently now should be fine, if you dye it regularly I'd wait another week or two. Deep condition it a few times in the next week or so before recoloring and maybe get the ends trimmed to eliminate the already damaged part. You should be fine.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

I'm pretty sure they can wash of the red from your hair and dye any-other colour you wanted.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

they say six weeks, but if you haven't dyed it much, you can do five

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

dye my hair approximately every 8 weeks

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

Be very careful.I have dirty blond hair.i died mine red and didnt like it .i then tried to change it back and it turned purple.

How often can you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair red about a month ago and I hate it?

im sorry you dont like it.

i think it's fine if you fix it now.

but what color red is it??

if it is a bright red and you want to dye it back to like a brown then try an auburn and then the next time go back to brown.

it will be a wholeeeee lot easier trust me!!

cuz if you just dye it straight back to brown it will take several treatments.

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